Color Psychology: How The Emotional Impact of Color Influences Hotel Design

Colors and how they affect emotions comes down to the science of psychology. Hotel design makes a huge effort in learning how to use certain colors to create emotional impacts on guests. It is actually ingenious. Not many people understand or even notice how colors affect their mood, but it is actually pretty incredible. Here are just a few colors that hotels incorporate to help improve moods of the guests.

blue room
red interior decor
orange room interior
greens and browns in interior


White is a color that conveys simplicity, cleanliness and freshness. Walking into a room that has plenty of white can give the guests that feeling that they are getting a “breath of fresh air”. When a hotel has the confidence to use white as the majority color in a room, it also gives the guest confidence that everything is clean and well taken care of. White can also create a sense of space giving the visual effect that the room is actually more spacious than it is. The light that reflects off of the furniture and decor also gives the room a highlighted effect, adding the illusion of even more space.


Red is used frequently because of the warmth and comfort it leaves the guests feeling. It is also the color that reflects the emotion of love. This color can create feeling of intensity and excitement meaning that the guests will be excited to be there and appreciate the space. Red can also have the ability to make guests more energetic! This is great for places such as Las Vegas or other party cities that want to keep their guests up and awake to spend more money! It can also be a wonderful color for a honeymoon suite.


Blue is a favorite color used by hotels because it is favored by so many people. Because of this, it is a very non-threatening, conservative and even traditional color to use. This color is used throughout hotels to create a sense of calm, serenity and stability.


Green is the color we all think of when we hear the word Nature. It is a cool color that symbolizes nature and represents health, good luck and tranquility. Implementing green into hotel design can make a guest feel calm and at ease. Due to this fact, the color itself is thought to relieve stress. It makes sense that if people are calmed by the color green that their stress levels would decrease in a room with more green. Throwing in a green comforter and some plant life around the room can achieve these emotions from guests. 


Brown is also a natural color, however it has a different emotional impact than green. The color brown evokes strength and reliability. It is frequently used on its own as a solid color, similar to the earth. Hotels can use it for being a symbol of nature and for being conventional, but it can also be sophisticated. A few more feelings of the color brown are warmth, comfort, dependability, resilience, safety and security. Using this throughout a room leave the guests feeling safe where they are staying.


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