How To Create The Most Serene And Relaxing Home Ever

How we spend our days, is how we spend our lives. And with many people working at home, or wanting to spend more time in their homes, having a home that supports your wellbeing has never been more important. 84% of Americans experience stress weekly! And this number is on the rise. Good design may not be able to solve all of our stress-related problems, but having a place to retreat to, breathe a deep sigh of relief in, and deeply rest, will seriously help combat life's challenges.

It’s time to create your sanctuary! Let us show you how. 

Prioritize your view from your window
Put your outdoor views front and center, especially in the rooms you spend the most time in. Whether you have a beautiful view that warms your heart, or a view that could do with an upgrade, having a space to relax in with natural lighting will do wonders for your health and wellbeing. 

Opt for a calming color palette
Color therapy is a powerful tool used in the health and well-being world. We all know that color can have a big effect on our mood, and we often associate certain colors with certain moods too! Red often relates to passion, energy, or intensity, while green can remind us of nature and is the color of the heart chakra in some traditions. Colors may mean different things to different people so your personal preference is important, but there will be certain shades and tones to focus on. 

Declutter, reorganize, and simplify
A messy cluttered space is an instant stressor for most people. Place focus on storage and organization to help create a fresh and open feeling in a room. Declutter first, and then get organizing. Keeping on top of this will help create a free flow of energy too. 

Don’t forget the power of a deep clean, sometimes a big clean-up can completely change the look and feel of a room.

Bring all the senses on board
Sight, smell, touch, sound - all of these elements can be considered when designing a relaxing home that you love. Every single sense has a direct impact on our mood. Consider incorporating different textures and materials when accessorizing.  The addition of some indoor plants can really improve the serenity too.

Comfort levels are important too, when purchasing or upgrading furniture ensure they are items you love to use. You can combine style and comfort to really engage your senses and deepen the possibility of relaxing your body, mind, and soul.

Create a designated relaxation area
We often hear people talking about having a work/life balance in the mental sense, but that applies to physical spaces as well. Whether you dedicate a whole room or just a portion of it - having a space whose sole reason for existence is relaxation will provide relief and tremendous mental health improvements for you. Maybe you create a cute and cozy reading corner, meditation space, or even a whole room that you can retreat to when you need some TLC. If you focus on anything during your design process, choose this one. 

The impact of lighting
We all find serenity in our own personal ways, from connecting with loved ones, or walking in nature, to curling up on the sofa with a good book. But experts agree on at least one thing when it comes to our rest and rejuvenation - daylight and artificial lighting both have a powerful impact on our mood.

Lights are a functional tool to use when designing and instantly set the tone and mood. Lighting helps promote both productivity and relaxation. Ensure your lighting sets you up to wind down and get cozy. You want your lights to reflect what's happening outside, during the day your lighting wants to echo that of natural light, emphasizing it. As the sun sets, focus on warmer and dimmer lighting to assist in relaxation and preparing for sleep. 

When designing your serene home, don’t focus on perfection. The process is just as important as the end result. Take your time and use this as an opportunity to really personalize your experience. Asking for support is also a great way to take care of yourself. We’re just an email away. Contact us to learn more about our interior design services.  


Episode 5 – It’s Hard To Be Queen


Episode 4 – The Queen’s Speakeasy