Setting The Mood Of A Room Using The Right Color

blue room

Color psychology is a fascinating subject that many interior designers dive deep into - why? Because color stimulates emotion and sets the tone for how people feel when they step into a room. Your chosen color palette has the power to create the home of your dreams or a home you’d rather avoid. Color is an integral part of your daily life, affecting not just your mood but your energy levels too. The colors of the rooms within your home serve as a direct reflection of your personality. People who live in a home make it their own by choosing colors that reflect their preferences and desired feelings. Color, not only affects how you feel but has the power to change the appearance of your furnishings as well as the shape and size of the room itself.

Pretty cool, right?

While most people probably do not spend a lot of time thinking about room color, it affects us, and the way we live our lives, every day. Room color can impact our thoughts, our emotions, and affect us in many ways, depending on age, gender, ethnic background, and even climate. Certain colors or even groups of colors often receive a common response from most people, which is why it’s so important to choose colors wisely when it comes to decorating your home.

Tell us what you’d like to achieve, and we’ll tell you which color to choose!

Colors to make a room look bigger

There are lots of ways to increase the visual size and feel of a room. If you can’t increase the actual square footage of the room, the color you pick will help you create your desired effect. By making smart choices with your home’s color schemes, you can give the illusion of more space and help make better use of the space that you have. 

If you’re wanting to increase the space of a room, but don’t have the resources for a full renovation then this is for you. 

The best paint colors for smaller rooms are those that work with both the natural contours of the space itself and the available natural light to provide a visual transformation that suggests there is more space than there actually is. 

Here are some of our top colors for this:

white room

Crisp white
White isn’t foolproof for this purpose, the shade and tone are very important. White can look drab (and have the opposite effect) in a naturally dark room. Stick to a crisp hue, and focus on your upholstery and accessories.

Pale blue
Pale blue is a very gentle shade that creates a soothing and calming touch to any room. It also works well to make a room feel bigger, particularly when combined with other light colors on the ceiling, trim, and doors.

Light green
The perfect light green can quickly open up a space and offers a similar effect as pale blue. For an updated look, opt for a muted sage or moss tone. 

Colors to make a room feel warm

When cooler weather strikes or your home lacks natural light, color choices can go a long way when it comes to making a home look and feels warm, cozy, and inviting. From rich hues of red to neutral, homey earth tones, there are plenty of color choices that will instantly warm up your space. 

Creamy white

The right shade of white can make or break a room. The perfect off-white color can act as a backdrop for your living room decor while creating a cozy living environment. 

Rich red

Make a statement by selecting a rich, deep red for your living room or bedroom walls. If you're not ready to commit to an entirely red room, try painting an accent wall for a warm hint of red. Pair with cream interiors for an inviting and truly cozy space.


If you love a warm and vibrant look, dress up your living room walls with shades of orange. Orange steams energy, aliveness, and warmth. Tangerine, blood orange, and pumpkin are all hues of orange to try if you're looking to spice up the color in your living room


Colors to boost productivity

Working from home and looking for a way to boost your productivity without increasing your daily coffee intake? Try one of these colors! 


That was the general consensus of a University of Texas study that found a blue-green room improved productivity better than red rooms and white rooms. In spaces where people need to focus and get work done blue is the hue to use. Not to mention blue is the most popular color among men and women.


Yellow is one of the most inviting and uplifting colors in the rainbow. No matter what shade it is, yellow is vibrant and fun. If you want to create a more open, invigorating atmosphere try adding accents of yellow, but be mindful too much yellow will overwhelm the senses. 

Colors to make a room feel more intimate

office space at home

Decorating a large room can be a challenge. Light and bright walls are more reflective, making a space feel open and airy, which helps maximize natural light's effect and increase the perceived size of a room. Dark shades tend to absorb light, making rooms feel smaller and creating a sense of intimacy. Consider a darker accent wall, painting the whole room, or focusing on accessories. 

Keep in mind that the color of the ceiling is just as important as the color of the walls when you are trying to create an intimate setting.

When it comes to painting a room there are a few questions to ask yourself:

Who will be spending the most time in the room? Who is the room for?

What purpose does the room have?

What mood do you want to create in your room?

What colors match that mood?

Gather inspiration from magazines and design websites. Be aware of your textiles and furnishings. Let your rug, throw blankets, and pillows guide your color scheme. It’s not just about the color on the walls, everything when put together will create the final effect.

Once you find something you like, select a few colors you like, but be mindful because too many colors can make a room feel chaotic or cluttered.


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