How Interior Design Is Used In Themed Resorts

Themed resorts create an all-encompassing experience! While they work for any guest, they are particularly a hit for families, and especially those with small kids. There is a reason why Disney and Universal have all-themed resorts. With many families already spending the money on tickets and travel to the park, they often tend to go the extra mile and book their accommodations at themed resorts. This ensures a continuous experience. Themed resorts allow guests to feel as though they have been transported to an alternative universe where characters have come to life through the hotel resort design.

Taking Advantage of your Canvas:
When looking for design elements to work with, we are often encouraged to take the theme in a vertical direction! Themed hotels are a perfect place for utilizing the incredible vertical wall surface options and wallpaper available in hospitality design today. From our perspective, themed resort interior walls essentially act as a blank canvas, allowing us to use these spaces to create visual impact that can bring the overall theme to life. Whether the wallpaper is representative of a location or of characters – if it fits the theme, it is sure to be a hit.

Just Taking a Snooze in a Spaceship:
Another great interior design element for themed resorts, especially when catering to families; is beds and cribs that incorporate elements of the theme. Not only is this visually consistent with the brand, this also makes bedtime fun for guests. Who wouldn’t want to fall asleep in a bed shaped like a spaceship or princess bed? But when the beds are designed with the kids in mind, they can also be deigned to perform in a safer manner than typical adult hotel beds. Adult hotel beds can be high off of the ground, and parents often fear that kids will roll off of them. With beds that are catered to children and their safety, parents are awarded with a sense of relief knowing that their kids are safe and sound during their slumber.

Swimming in Character:
Resorts in general are known for their amenities, and themed resorts are really able to get creative with incorporating brand specific amenities and custom interior design elements. Themed resorts sometimes look to create play rooms and pool areas that appear as though they are right out the pages or scene of a movie. Stations or outdoor pool slides or gardens can work to help the guests feel transported and a part of their environment.

Themed resorts think about even the smallest details when it comes to their resort hotel design. Anything that can further help bring the character or location to life is a plus, and will only add to the guest’s overall experience.


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